
Our Faith





Welcome to the Image of God Church

The Image Of God Church

The Image of God Church is your local, non-denominational Bible-based chruch, here to provide a place where all may worship the Lord our God in peace and joy. We are a small congregation, but are always looking to grow and  become more involved with the neighborhood. Some of you may have seen us here for years and never ventured past the front doors. Others have passed by knowing this church has been here for decades but not given us a second glance. We are inviting each and every one of you to come visit us for a Sunday service, no matter what your faith is. You will find that you are welcome here!

Our Platform


Open Doors  ~  Focused Hearts  ~  Hopeful mninds

Let us open the doors to your hearts and minds for the Lord Jesus Christ to enter in and show you how to master faith in God Almighty. The doors to our church are open to anyone who wishes to understand the grace and mercy of God, who will forgive the sins of any who reach out to Him through Jesus Christ. Ask and we will share with you the prayer of salvation so that Jesus may enter in.
